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Guadalupe School Students Make Great Progress

(May 2017) Guadalupe School in Salt Lake City, Utah provides educational opportunities for low-income families who speak English as a second language. Foundation 4Life has supported the preschool program at the school since 2008. Preschool is a critical period in a child’s educational and social progress, and children who come from non-English-speaking homes must overcome great hurdles. Guadalupe School tailors its curriculum to positively motivate both students and parents.

Eighty three- and four-year-old students attend the preschool. Through the program, they’re reaching higher levels of confidence, learning new skills, and having fun. The efforts of teachers, assistants, and parents are yielding results that can be seen through individual stories.

A preschool-age child was unmotivated in schoolwork, would not listen to instructions, and had a difficult time with transitions. The student was the youngest in the classroom and faced challenges being in a new classroom and with new teachers. After teachers and parents made a plan to help motivate the child, the student started to socialize with other students, stand in line for recess, go to the restroom without help, and interact well with other children. This type of improvement is a result of a teacher and parents who provide a team of support to best understand a child’s needs.

A three-year-old student was very emotional and would cry for several minutes after getting off the school bus at school. With daily help from teachers and staff members, this student is now excited for school, greets teachers and classmates with a smile, and follows the school’s routine with ease. This child’s spunky and joyful personality now shines through.

“Support from Foundation 4Life is vital to us,” commented Guadalupe School Development Director Princess Gutierrez. “Foundation 4Life’s meaningful donations have allowed us to make a positive impact on the trajectories of individual lives. Thank you for you continued support.”


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